Image: City of Busan ()
A 5.4km-long median bus lane from Gaya-daero Seomyeon intersection to Jurye intersection will begin from 4:30 am on the 28th.
With the opening of the BRT, when 5.4 km from Seomyeon Intersection to Jurye Intersection is completed, the 30.3 km BRT traffic system in the east-west and north-south axes is completed.
It is expected that traffic congestion will be drastically alleviated by improving bus use convenience for Busan citizens by 15-25% and suppressing the increase in passenger cars.
In preparation for this opening, the city of Busan will conduct joint inspections of traffic safety facilities with the city, the police, the Road Traffic Authority, bus associations, and transportation companies from the 21st to prepare for possible safety problems.
In addition, on the day of opening on the 28th, about 100 people, including city officials, police, model drivers, and bus industry officials, will be deployed at 22 new BRT stops and 65 bus shelters, 29 roadside stops to be closed, and 16 major intersections.
On the morning of the opening day, Busan Mayor Park Heong-joon will visit the BRT site to take care of the operation situation.
He plans to inspect the BRT facilities at Jurye Station and Jungang-daero, and communicate with the citizens by boarding the city bus operating in the opening section. In addition, the overall traffic flow of the BRT section is also inspected, such as directly checking the traffic flow of general vehicles using a passenger car.
Even after the opening of the BRT, the city plans to continue monitoring not only the public transportation usage environment but also the traffic flow of general vehicles by carrying out monitoring involving citizens and related organizations such as traffic experts, police, road traffic authorities, and bus associations.