By the time six local college students finish their one-semester stint gaining office experience with the U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud and Area I, they won’t just know the ways of a professional work place, they’ll also know a thing or two about fishing.
The six students, from Shinhan University in Dongducheon, are enrolled in the garrison’s Practicum Experience Program, which began in March in partnership with the university.
It affords college students the chance to gain experience working on Area I camps under the supervision and mentorship of garrison staff.
But the program is also set up to include things that are relaxing and fun to do.
So it was that garrison officials accompanied the students to Shinan Lake in nearby Yangju for a day that included showing them how to assemble a fishing rod, how to cast the line, and what to do in case the tug of a fish on the hook.
Along the way there was a cookout of hot dogs, chips, and ramen noodles.
They set out by bus from Camp Casey in Dongducheon, and were back by the end of the day.
Among those accompanying them on the outing were Col. Brandon D. Newton, Commander, USAG Red Cloud and Area I, and Steven J. Ryan, its Deputy to the Garrison Commander.