
University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) will hold its Korea commencement ceremony at the Morning Calm Center on Camp Humphreys on Saturday, April 20. Brigade Sergeant Major, United States Army, Command Sergeant Major Nicholas M. Curry, will provide the keynote address.

More than 60 graduates are scheduled to attend the ceremony that will begin at 11 a.m. (Doors open at 10:30 a.m.). James Cronin, Vice president and Director of UMGC’s Asia Division, will preside over the ceremony.

Command Sergeant Major Nicholas M. Curry is a native of Augusta, Georgia. He enlisted into the Army in November 1999. He completed Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gordon, Georgia, as a 25Q Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer and was assigned to 327th Signal Battalion (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He re-classed to 25B Information Technology Specialist and was assigned to 1st Brigade Combat Team 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina in April 2006.

His assignments include Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Camp Red Cloud, Korea; Fort Gordon, Georgia; Fort Drum, New York; and Fort Bliss, Texas. CSM Curry has served in all leadership positions to include Team Chief, Section Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, AIT Platoon

Sergeant, Operations Sergeant, First Sergeant, Signal Leadership Development College (SLDC) SGM, and Battalion CSM. He has deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn three times, and Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. CSM Curry’s military education includes all Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS) courses. He is a graduate USASMA Class 69. He has graduated from Airborne School, Combat Life Saver Course, Field Sanitation Team Course, Air Movement Officer Course, Jumpmaster Course, Safety Officer Course, EO Leaders Course, SHARP Course, MRT Course, Basic Instructor Course, Master Fitness Trainer Course, WTU 1SG Course, 1SG Course, Pre-command Course-CSM, Signal Pre-command Course and the TRADOC Pre-command Course.

He has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Networks and Security from University of Maryland University College and Masters of Science in Management with a focus in Organizational Leadership from Excelsior College.

For more information about commencement, please visit our website.

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