
Food is an important part of every culture and it is a good way to share our culture and our love. If you are invited to your friend's home for a meal, the host might continue to try to give you more food as a courtesy even if you say you have had enough food.

Here’s a polite way to tell your host you’re done with your food: “aniyo, kwaen-chan-ayo.”, “bae-bul-leo-yo.”

“No, thanks.” = 아니요, 괜찮아요. (aniyo, kwaenchanayo) (aniyo 아니요 = No, 괜찮아요 = be stuffed)

“I’m full.” = 배불러요. (bae-bul-leo-yo) (bae 배 = stomach, bea bureuda = be stuffed)

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