The Chamber of Commerce of Busan, Ulsan, and Changwon cities have put out a joint statement welcoming the resolution of the ‘Gadeok Island New Airport Construction Special Act’ that was passed by the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee.
They said in a joint statement, “The Gadeokdo New Airport Special Law, which contains the wishes of 8 million inhabitants of Bu, Ul, and Gyeongsang Province, has received the approval of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, and will next need approval from Assembly’s plenary session on the 26th.”
It also said achievements were made through coordinated agreements between opposing parties for balanced national development.
They evaluated that “Gadeokdo New Airport is deeply meaningful in economic history as it goes beyond simple construction of an international airport, it will join the Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsang provincial area into a single economic zone, and bring out balanced national development by strengthening national competitiveness.”