Delicious Korean Kimbap (sometimes referred to as Gimbap) is very easy to make and in contrast to Japanese sushi, the ingredients are not confined to fish. What makes them stand out is that these are made from a whole variety of delicious foods ranging from kimchi, to side-dishes and plenty of vegetables.
I have made three different types today, Kimchi, vegetable and a Salmon Kimbap. There are many different ingredients you can try and once you are confident these are easy to make and can be a great lunch or delicious dinner.
I have used the following Ingredients:
Seaweed Paper
Sushi Rice (Rice needs to be sticky)
A bamboo mat makes rolling easier
Then the ingredients for the fillings:
Smoked Salmon
Courgette (zucchini)
Eggs - Make into omelet and slice
Begin by cooking the rice, Cut all the vegetables where possible into finger slices, Now lightly fry the carrot, courgette and mushroom until nicely cooked. Mix the Eggs together in a bowl and fry like an omelet and again slice in to pieces.
Put a piece of the seaweed paper on the bamboo mat and cover about 3/4 of this with rice. Place the fillings for each role near one end of the rice. As you can see below I have put Egg, Carrot, Courgette and Mushroom in one, Salmon and cucumber together and finally Kimchi with cucumber. When using Kimchi tough it is important to drain any excess sauce before putting on to the rice. You can experiment if you like with combinations to try and find your perfect taste
Once the fillings are in place gently roll the seaweed paper, taking care not to let the ingredients fall out, If you don’t have a bamboo mat it may be more difficult to have a round shape. The rice should make the role stick together, if not use a few grains and stick the ends down.
You can eat the role whole, or you can slice with a sharp knife for a good presentation, you may find some ingredients hanging out the end, you can eat these as they normally taste better than the prettier pieces. Serve with a dip of Soy sauce and wasabi or eat plain for a delicious meal. I have served with a bean sprout soup here.
Other popular Kimbab combinations include: Beef and vegetable, Noodle Kimbab, and Tuna