
Hospitals with insurance companies can sometimes limit patients’ medical choices. Basically, international insurance companies contract with each hospital to provide Direct Billing Service, but not all hospitals. This is because most hospitals do not have international health care services.

Hospitals preferred by Koreans, appropriate medical costs, and guaranteed skills of medical staff may limit the search and selection of information for foreigners due to the lack of international services.

U-MEDI removes the difficulties faced by international insurance companies and many obstacles that foreigners may face in using Korean medical services.

Direct Billing Service Hospital Network Expansion

We provide hospital-oriented services rather than insurance companies-centered DBAs. We expand the network of hospitals that customers want to visit by communicating directly with customers. Hospitals focus on medical care, while U-MEDI focuses on customer insurance services and payment of insurance company costs, which is a win-win for each other.

Find a foreign customer-focused hospital

From a Korean perspective, We recommend which hospitals are good at treatment. Just because you’re good at language doesn’t mean you’re a good doctor. Treatment may sometimes require you to focus on medical skills rather than language. The language is provided by U-MEDI.



Direct billing network available for DOD civilians with private insurance

U-MEDI partnered with these hospitals in July. If you have global insurance as an expat, you can receive the cashless service at these institutions by going through us.

Dream Sleep Clinic (드림 수면의원)

You suspect sleep apnea if you snore while you sleep, temporarily stop breathing while breathing, or toss and turn while breathing shallowly. Because our body wakes up the brain to breathe and repeats breathing and then goes back to sleep, the quality of sleep decreases and we feel drowsy or tired during the day. If you leave sleep apnea untreated, it can lead to various complications. Psychiatrist Lee Ji-hyun, who worked with Chrisitian Guilleminault, a founding member of the Association of Sleep Disorders Centers, runs Dream Sleep Clinic. The clinic provides personalized care and it maximizes success rate of sleep apnea treatment.

Yeon & Nature OBGYN Clinic (연앤 네이처)

This clinic is different from of other medical offices, where over-examination, over-diagnosis, and over-treatment are rampant, as well as concerns about necessary check-up, accurate diagnosis, best treatment and prevention, and minimal medical intervention (naturalistic childbirth), which is an extension of this treatment philosophy. Yeon & Nature’s treatment is concise but accurate, and satisfactory enough without being excessive.

Yeon & Nature’s House of Birth allows for home-style childbirth. A bathtub is installed in each room, an oxygen reclaiming device embedded in the wall for safety, and a king-size bed that your husband is used to at home is also in the room.

Songdo Surgery(송도외과 병원)

In order to protect your health, it is recommended that you schedule a health checkup every year. Songdo Surgery does not end with a simple check-up. Treatment is available when a disease is discovered (5 surgeons, 3 internal medicine specialists, 1 obstetrician-gynecologist are on staff). Female doctors provide treatment for obstetrics and gynecology, breast and thyroid surgery, and internal medicine. When early cancer or polyps are found, complete excision can be performed to treat the disease in one place. The health checkup guide and consultation process are explained in detail by a professional nursing staff.

GNG Hospital (지앤지병원)

About 50% of adult males and 27% of adult females suffer from snoring! As most people experience snoring, which is often dismissed as just a sound problem, it is important to realize that snoring is a disease that is not a mild disease and should be treated because it can signal the onset of sleep apnea, or that you already have severe sleep apnea.

Snoring is a breathing noise caused by vibrations in surrounding structures such as the drooping palate (uvula), tongue, roof of the mouth, and pharynx while the respiratory airflow passes through the narrowed airway due to various causes during sleep. Sleep apnea is not only a narrowing, but also a complete blockage resulting in respiratory arrest. It can cause daytime sleepiness, heart disease, and stroke.

When deciding on a treatment method, it is important to consider many factors such as each patient’s age, gender, occupation, personality, marital status, and the degree of sleep apnea to achieve successful treatment.

GNG Hospital provides non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment, and provides all information about treatment. All snoring and sleep apnea patients can get the treatment they want.

Balance Dental (밸런스 치과)

Balance Dental excels in three areas: braces, temporomandibular joint and implant braces. The dental staff, which has more than 2,000 cases of orthodontic treatment, directly provides orthodontic treatment. In particular, non-extraction orthodontic treatment is possible to improve protruding mouth, protruding jaws, square jaws, false teeth, and facial asymmetry.

Temporomandibular joint

When the jaw joint and temporomandibular disc, the foundation stone of the face, collapse, it causes imbalance in the whole body. Seven out of 10 people have potential temporomandibular joint disease. Temporomandibular joint disease refers to an abnormality of the temporomandibular joint that occurs because the maxillary and mandibular occlusion does not occur when opening or closing the mouth. This is because the disc space narrows and the muscles around the disc contract due to tension. Correcting the skull, temporal bone, and cervical spine together is the key to treatment.


Implants have 5 to 7 times stronger chewing power than dentures, so they are almost similar to natural teeth in terms of recovery of chewing function. You can feel the taste, temperature and texture of food much more accurately. In the existing implant treatment method, the prosthesis is made after restoration through the placement of the fixture. But in the case of the one-day implant provided by Balance Dental, the prosthesis is custom-made on the day of the procedure. It takes about 5 minutes on average to place one implant. Balance dental also provides pain-free sleep implants and sleep therapy.

The staff is composed of professionals who have performed more than 20,000 implant using the latest equipment. Balance Dental’s service ranks up there with the Seoul National University.

Shihwa Medical Center (시화병원)

The International Medical Department of Shihwa Medical Center provides continuous and comprehensive medical care for diseases that may occur to you and your family regardless of country, age, gender, or type of disease. In addition, by systematically managing chronic diseases and preventing diseases at an early stage through vaccination and health check-ups, the goal is to improve the health of patients and improve their quality of life.

Shihwa Medical Center is a general hospital that can diagnose and treat all diseases.

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