Chief Master Sgt. Carlos Damian, 8th Fighter Wing command chief, gives closing remarks during a Prisoner of War and Missing in Action ceremony at Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Oct. 7, 2022. Annually, POW/MIA members are honored and while the military continues to fight for their country, they still remember those who came before them and participate in recovering the remains of those still missing. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Timothy Dischinat) ()
KUNSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea -- As we near the yearly turnover that is all too well known at the Wolf Pack, we must prepare to say our final farewell to one amazing leader. CMSgt Carlos “Wolf Chief 25” Damian held a going away last week as he prepares to depart for his next assignment.
Wolf Chief, your leadership, knowledge, and love for your pack has not gone unnoticed. We wish you the best and know that wherever you go, you’ll continue to make our amazing Air Force even stronger!