
Experience the excitement of the Busan International Magic Festival with the ‘Magic Fantasia Season 2′ taking place at the Busan Citizens’ Center’s intimate Small Theater on March 23 and 24.

Families are invited to immerse themselves in a world of wonder, featuring a diverse range of magical genres, including Fire Magic, Seafood Magic, Circus Magic, Drawing Magic, and Big Balloon Magic.

Magicians include Park Jun-young, Youngjin Kim, Youngju Lee, Yongcheon Kim, and Do Min-young.

Tickets are available through YES24, Naver, Interpark Ticket, or Play Discovery for online purchases. On-site ticket sales will also be available on the day of the event.

For more details, visit the official website at www.hibimf.org or on Instagram @busanmagicfestival.

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