(Stripes Korea)
As you begin to venture out beyond the gates of your installation, you may notice there are many electric scooters out and about. These is a great way to explore the neighborhood and surrounding areas without having to catch a bus or a train. These powered vehicles, known as Personal Transportation Devices (PTD), range from electric scooters and electric skateboards to Segways (kickboards in Korea), mopeds and hoverboards. Before you look into hopping on these PTDs, make sure you know the rules of the road!
U.S. Forces Korea recently released new guidelines for the use of PTDs that applies to active duty and civilian personnel. First, you will need to register your PTD within 10 days of purchase, lease or rent at your base Pass and ID Office. PTD riders will also be required to wear a helmet, closed-toe shoes and a reflective vest or belt. Your PTD should have operating lights when riding during the evening hours or in times of limited visibility. Also, it’s important to know that PTDs follow the same traffic rules on the road as motor vehicles.
Violation of any of these rules could mean a ticket and a ban from using the PTD until the correct equipment is secured. Take note that repeat offenders could also lead to military sponsorship problems.
So, if you’re interested in hitching a ride on a shiny new PTD, make sure you know the rules of the road. Safe riding!
For more info: USFK website