Hyemin Lee illustration

(Illustration by Hyemin Lee)

It’s the holiday season and there’s no better way to spread good cheer than wishing someone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. But you’re in Korea, so let’s learn how to say these greetings in Korean.

You got this!

- Merry Christmas: Jeulgeoun Seongtanjeol doeseyo! (즐거운 성탄절 되세요!)

  • Merry / Joyful: Jeulgeoun (즐거운)

  • Christmas: Seongtanjeol (성탄절)

- Happy New Year: Saehae bok mani badeuseyo! (새해 복 많이 받으세요!)

  • New Year: Saehae (새해)

  • Luck: Bok (복)

  • A lot of / Many: Mani (많이)

  • To receive: Batda (받다)

Practice what you've learned!

Fill in the blank bubbles with the appropriate Korean phrases!

Hyemin Lee illustration

Practice what you’ve learned. (Hyemin Lee)

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