(Korea Tip of the Day)

Restaurant cultures vary across countries, and Korea also has its own unique ways. To navigate your best restaurant experience, check out these 5 helpful tips about Korean restaurant culture.

No tipping: Unlike some countries, tipping is not customary in Korea. When you’re ready to pay, walk up to the cashier or counter to pay your bill. Simply say: “계산할게요 (Gyesan-halgeyo),” which means “I will pay” in Korean.

Calling the server: Many Korean restaurants have a small bell on the table to summon servers. The bell is usually placed at a corner or under the table. If you don’t find a bell, you can raise your hand and say “저기요 (Jeogiyo),” which means “Excuse me” in Korean.

Check business hours: Some restaurants close for a break from 2 or 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Make sure to check the restaurant’s hours on Naver Map before heading out, especially if you plan to dine during these hours.

Unlimited side dishes: One of the beauties of Korean dining is the variety of free, refillable side dishes served with meals. Feel free to ask the server for refills if you want more side dishes. Many restaurants also feature a self-service bar where you can help yourself with the side dishes and refill them without needing to call the server.

Ask for a phone charger: Most restaurants offer a free phone charging station. Even if they don’t provide a specific charging service, it’s very common in Korea to ask to charge your phone at the restaurant if needed. Feel free to ask the staff to charge your phone while enjoying your meal.

Speakin’ Korean: Speaking Korean for using at restaurants

  • Excuse me: Jeogiyo (저기요)

  • I’d like to order: Jumun halgeyo (주문할게요)

  • I’d like to have this: Igeo juseyo (이거 주세요)

  • Please give me more side dish: Banchan deo juseyo (반찬 더 주세요)

  • Can I charge my phone?: Hand-phone chungjeon hal su isseyo? (핸드폰 충전 할 수 있어요?)

  • I’ll pay: Gyesan-halgeyo (계산할게요)

  • Thank you: Gamsa-hamnida (감사합니다)

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