(Image: Stripes Korea)
Losing something on the street or public transportation can be stressful, but don’t panic! There are several ways to retrieve your lost item that have always worked for me. Keep in mind that the sooner you act after realizing your loss, the higher your chances of getting it back. However, even if some time has passed, don’t lose hope! This guide provides detailed steps, including what to do as a last resort. Make sure to have your ID when picking up your lost item!
*When a website doesn’t provide an English language option, use Chrome’s translation feature on the web instead of on your phone.
1330 Travel Helpline for foreigners
If you face language barriers while trying to retrieve your item, don’t hesitate to call or chat with Travel Helpline, operated by Korea Tourism Organization. It’s completely free and available 24 hours a day. They can assist by speaking to locals on your behalf and communicating with relevant organizations.
TEL: 1330 (in Korea) / +82-2-1330 (outside of Korea)
Learn how to use 1330 helpline
If someone finds your item on the street, they’ll likely take it to the local police station (경찰서) or the nearest police box (파출소). You can visit or call the one nearest to where you believe you lost your item. You can find their number on Naver Map or by calling 182 (the 24-hour Police Call Center).
Pro tip: Use a T-money card!
Using a T-money card comes with many advantages, such as fare discounts and free transfers between buses and subways. Importantly, paying with a T-money card can help track your route and provide necessary information to determine where you lost an item. Call their customer center (1644-1188 & 1644-0088).
A. Taxi
Using Kakao-T or Uber: Contact the driver or their service center directly via the app.
Paying with a T-money card: Contact the T-money customer center (1644-1188) and press 2 to inquire about the taxi driver’s info.
Paying with cash or credit card: Check the receipt for taxi company’s or driver’s contact number.
If none of the above applies: You can find the phone number of the taxi company on the National Taxi Association website.
B. Bus
If you notice your loss right after leaving the bus, take the next bus with the same number and route and ask the driver for assistance. If the driver can’t help you, check the bus company’s phone number, which is usually displayed on the bus doors, and contact them for assistance.
If you notice your loss later, try to remember the bus number, the stop where you got off, and the approximate boarding and alighting times. You can contact the T-money customer center for help in providing the bus company’s phone number if it’s within Seoul. If T-money can’t assist, it can be challenging to find the bus company’s name and phone number as a foreigner since there are many different companies. In this case, contact the 1330 Travel Helpline for assistance.
C. Subway
If you’re still in the station, visit the station office and provide details about the subway you took and boarding and alighting times. Staff can assist by contacting station employees at other stations. If you don’t remember, show your T-money card so the staff can track your travel history.
If you notice your loss later, search online to find the subway operator company and call their customer center. Seoul Metropolitan Subway is mainly operated by Korail and Seoul Metro. Below are the contact numbers and links for some of the major operators.
TEL: 1599-7777
TEL: 1577-1234
TEL: 053-643-2114
D. Train
If you’re still in the station, visit the station office and provide details such as the train schedule and seat number. Having a ticket makes this easier.
If you’re still on the train and notice you lost your item somewhere at the station, report it to a train crew and they’ll contact station employees.
If you notice your loss later, contact the train company. They can assist you in English and will connect you to the appropriate channel to provide help.
TEL: 1599-7777 (8 a.m.–8 p.m.)
TEL: 1800-1472 (9 a.m.–6 p.m.)
When the item is found and they can’t bring it back on the same day, tell the staff your preferred train station for pickup. They’ll transfer your item there and call you when it’s ready to pickup.
LOST 112 is a national lost & found system that manages reported lost items nationwide. Any lost items that haven’t been retrieved within the first few days are transferred to the police station and recorded on this system.
Steps to use LOST 112:
1.Search for found items (습득물 검색) by inputting details such as the location and timeframe of your loss.
2.If you don’t find your item under “Search for Found Items,” report your lost item in the “Report Lost Items” (분실물 신고) section with details like the date, location and item description.
3.Once your item is found, visit the designated police station with your ID.
*LOST 112 website provides detailed English guidance on how to use it.
(Lost 112 website screenshot)