(Korea Tip of the Day)

One challenge many face in Korea is the issue of air pollution. It is not uncommon for Koreans to begin their day by checking the weather forecast and air quality reports before venturing outdoors. Air pollution is a serious concern that requires extra precautions to protect one’s health.

Air pollution with fine dust can cause significant health risks, potentially triggering respiratory problems, eye irritation, and skin irritation, depending on individual sensitivity. For those with medical conditions affecting their respiratory system, wearing a protective mask is highly recommended on days when fine dust levels are high.

To effectively cope with air pollution in Korea, there are a few essential steps to follow. First, monitor the latest air quality updates daily. Second, adhere to the guidelines for high-pollution days. By being informed and taking the necessary precautions, you can minimize the impact of air pollution on your well-being while living in Korea.

Guidelines for high-pollution days

1. Avoid going out if possible and minimize outdoor activities.

2. Wear a protective mask (KF80, KF94, KF99) outside.

3. When outside, avoid areas with heavy air pollution, such as roadsides and construction sites.

4. Don’t open the window for natural ventilation. Your room can become polluted with fine dust.

5. When indoor, use air purifiers, mop the floor with water, and use wet wipes.

6. Wash thoroughly after going out, especially your hands, feet, eyes, and nose with running water, and brush your teeth.

7. Consume plenty of water and vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables.

8. It’s recommended to refrain from activities that contribute to air pollution such as using private vehicles instead of public transportation.

How to stay updated the latest air quality

1.     If you have a weather app or widget on your phone, it will automatically show you the fine dust level. When it says poor or bad, try to avoid going out without wearing a mask and never open the window for ventilation.

2.     Check Air Quality Index daily through the website below. Or you can stay connected with Facebook pages of your garrison or My Army Post app on your phone for Air Quality Index updates.


Air Quality Index

·        Good (0-50): Green

·        Moderate (51-100): Yellow

·        Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101-150): Orange

·        Unhealthy (151-200): Red

·        Very Unhealthy (201-300): Purple

·        Hazardous (301-500): Maroon

3.     The Ministry of Environment Korea forecasts fine dust levels four times a day. Visit their website to learn more details and their reports or download the app - Air Korea.


The Comprehensive Air-quality Index (CAI by Air Korea)

CAI is a way of describing ambient air quality based on the health risks of air pollution used in South Korea. The index aims to help the public easily understand the air quality level and protect their health from air pollution.

·        Good (0-50): Level that will not impact patients suffering from illnesses related to air pollution

·        Moderate (51-100): Level may have a meager impact on patients in case of chronic exposure

·        Unhealthy (101-250): Level which may have harmful impacts on patients and members of sensitive groups (children, aged or weak people), and also effect the well-being of the general public

·        Very unhealthy (251-350): Serious impact on patients and members of sensitive groups in case of acute exposure, and may slightly affect the general public

·        Very unhealthy (351-500): This level may require emergency measures for patients, members of sensitive groups and have harmful impacts on the general public

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